Have you ever just been humming along, minding your own business, things are looking alright and then, all the sudden - wham! Life seems to have other plans for you?
Yeah...we get it.

Whether it’s a function of a job change or another random hiccup; car breakdown, medical bill, family challenge, or other unforeseen circumstance…we - and our community - want to help support you.

If you know someone who could benefit from a little yoga love - especially those in the margins, underserved, underrepresented or feeling undervalued for systemic or societal inequities of any sort - we' would love to support a
hands-on assist (ie; a free class, package, month…maybe even a membership) click on the button below to fill out a nomination form.

If you feel called to support the HUM fund and pay it forward to someone else, click on the the button below to share some love 💛


“Thank you so much! I can’t tell you how much this meant to me right now. I really needed this assist and it’s amazing your studio can help people like this, I really appreciate those who contributed to make this possible for me.”